Day 9- A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most. I should be doing my mom because she has gotten me through the most. But I thought I would switch it up.
My sisters would be a very very close second. They are the BEST! We have our fighting sister moments but they never usually last long. We didn't always get along like we do know. When I was younger (and into my teens) I was very sensitive, so whenever they made joke involving me or looked at me funny I would freak and cry. Tacy and Katy stuck together for the most part and Nathan and I stuck together, so at some moments it was like us against them. Tacy and I had THE HARDEST time getting along for some reason. But we didn't really get along until I moved to Utah I think. Right after I graduated high school I moved out to live with her in Rexburg for a few months, and the first month was a disaster. I would get mad at the stupidest things and so we would just fight. But we eventually got along and now we be in the same room without fighting.
Anyway, they are both great. I can't imagine not having sisters, or not having a relationship with them. I can talk to them about ANYTHING! I love them both very very much!
I love this blog! I think your sisters have gotten you through much more that me...I am so glad you chose them! I love the picture too! I love you! make me all weepy at work! I too love that picture cause it's here in Arizona when you guys visited me!!!
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