Someone who inspires you
I do not have a picture for this one, but It is Jennifer Smith. She is AMAZING! She is always optimistic and had the best advice! I really really would love to be as great as she is. I know she is a fantastic mom, because she is like a second mom to me, and she has done a FANTASTIC job raising her kids. I just really really like her a lot!
Something that has made a huge impact on your life lately

THIS BLOG!!!! It is driving me crazy! I keep forgetting I have to update it..
Your biggest insecurity
I have nasty chin hairs.....gross...gross...gross....ew... I'm like a nasty old women with facial whiskers
A picture when you were little

A place you'd like to travel

I just think it would be really cool to go there.
Something you wish you could forget
Sadly this is the only thing I could come up with

Something you wish you were better at.

Enough said...
Your favorite book
I am still reading this book, and I am really really liking it.

I love that there are two pictures of me in your blog...and I love that you picked anasty one of my huge face to hide your chin hairs!!! haha...I'm kidding. I do also love that you copied my picture of her and that you updated your blog! and i love you tuna!!
I love you too, Jess!
You are amazing!!! I love you 3!!
Jessie, you are missing some days!!
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