Thursday, May 6, 2010


My computer is being dumb tonight so I can not put these pictures in order. I have not blogged lately because there is nothing to blog about. So this just a picture post.

The first 3 pictures are of mine and Tacys garden we planted this year. We are really excited about it because it is our first garden and it looks all cute and such...

We decided to make a rain barrel so we can use the rain water to water our new garden! We finished it about a week ago and it's already full! We are really excited about it! It was way cheap to make, it ended up costing us about 25 dollars all together!

A few weeks ago we went to sams and as we pulled away we discovered two geese at the end of the parking lot. They were just sitting there napping like it was not weird for them to be sitting in the middle of a parking lot!


Unknown said...

I love it when you post!! Yay!

Katy Wilson said...

how is that just a picture post...there are words in there...

I am so excited about the garden and the rainbarrel!! mostly i am excited to come home!

that geese thing cracked me up! don't you wonder what was going through their little goose minds...

tacy said...

Our garden looks great in pictures! Our rain barrel is amazing and I totally forgot about those geese!

Kathy N said...

You guys did an amazing job with the rain barrel and garden. I am so proud (in a humble way)!