I LOVE FALL and at exactly 5:18 yesterday afternoon it became official. In celebration of this fantastic occasion Sophie and I had a party, well not a real party because we have nobody to hang out with other than each other. We started watching the fist season of The OC, we had fresh margs (non alcoholic of course) and chili fires because on the show they always have fresh margs and chili fries. It maybe was not the most fallish party but we had fun!
A few days ago Tacy and I bought a lot of different apples to test so we could decide which apple was our favorite. Mine was Honeycrisp, usually Granny Smith would win but the one we had was old so it lost to Honeycrisp. It was a fun fall activity, because apples are fallish...right...?
On occasion when my mom says she is going to cook something for something I usually know that I will end up helping her or doing it for her. I'm not complaining because I went to school to cook so I enjoy it. Well my mom need to make Apple Crisp for about 50 people. At school we cooked the food for the whole school so I was use to large quantity baking, so naturally I was a good pick for this project. So I got up around 8: 15 ish to start helping her, she had a meeting so she left and I started peeling. Luckily we borrowed a peeler from Ruth that peels and slices the apples so it saved a lot of time. We finally finished around 12:30. We ended up making 3 9x13 pans and two giant turkey roster pans. It looked good as far as I could tell so lets hope it tastes good!
Last but not least...
This last picture is a picture Tacy drew for me a couple days ago. We were discussing how I have this strange obsession with Roosters so we were looking around and I discovered I have a ton of fish treasures as well as a ton of rooster treasures......So she created this lovely creature for me.. Its a roosterfish. Also the fish treasures are all rainbow colored...