Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sechs, Sieben, Acht

Days 6, 7, 8. OOPS! Where did those 3 days go! I will be better at this I promise

Day 6-
A person you would love to trade places with for a day.

I chose Jared Padalecki because if I were to trade places with him for a day I would get to hang out with....

Jensen Ackles

Day 7-
You're most treasured Item- This one is really really hard. I guess I would have to say, my rooster collection. I'm not sure how it started but it did. Our kitchen in our apartment is full of roosters. I LOVE IT!

Day 8-
A picture that always makes you laugh.

These girls are going to kill me but I can't help it.... This was from a few summers ago, and right before Sage got married. But these three girls decided to go skinny dipping the the Mississippi, I opted out of that because I know how gross that water is. Anyway. They wanted me to stand by for the lookout, and right when they got in the water the security truck drove by. They all freaked out but luckily he just kept on driving.


Kathy N said...

I can't believe you treasure your roosters more than your mother! (just kidding) As soon as I saw the picture of Kim, Sage & Casey I remembered the story and started to laugh! Good one!

Katy Wilson said...

i didn't know that story...and i'm glad you didn't get nekid in the mrs. ipp...those girls will probaly grown an extra arm someday because of that song!

Kaycee Suzanne Allred said...

hahaha hilarious fun times!! I love you Jessie!! And miss you terribly!! I am probably going to copy you on this thing your doing each day! Good idea I like it!

Kimberly Ann said...

Jessie Lou Freebush! I cant believe you posted that pic of us and told everyone on the internet about that night!!! I am throughly disappointed~ JK It made me laugh tooooOOO! We'll have to do something crazy this year for my 25th birthday!