Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Someone who inspires you

I do not have a picture for this one, but It is Jennifer Smith. She is AMAZING! She is always optimistic and had the best advice! I really really would love to be as great as she is. I know she is a fantastic mom, because she is like a second mom to me, and she has done a FANTASTIC job raising her kids. I just really really like her a lot!


Something that has made a huge impact on your life lately

THIS BLOG!!!! It is driving me crazy! I keep forgetting I have to update it..


Your biggest insecurity

I have nasty chin hairs.....gross...gross...gross....ew... I'm like a nasty old women with facial whiskers

A picture when you were little


A place you'd like to travel

I just think it would be really cool to go there.


Something you wish you could forget

Sadly this is the only thing I could come up with

Something you wish you were better at.

Enough said...


Your favorite book

I am still reading this book, and I am really really liking it.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The problem is...

THE WEEKEND! The weekend throws me off. I can do good at posting for a while but then the weekend comes and something happens that makes me forget about everything. So here are the make-up days. I would apologize but I can't say that this won't happen again.

-Something you love-

I LOVE road trips! If I had to choose between taking a airplane somewhere or driving I would most definitely choose driving. Tacy and I took a day trip to Callao Missouri over the weekend to get a pet bunny, and the drive was GORGEOUS the day was perfect the sun was shining, and spring was starting to show itself. There is just something about hitting the open road that is just so exciting to me!

- Your favorite band/artist-

I use to listen to music all the time!! I MISS IT! Sophie and I would be rocking out to the latest music from all the bands we liked. But I have not kept up with it all.

MXPX was one of my favorite bands when I was in high school, and whenever I am in the car and want to listen to some memory music (music that brings back memories) I turn on the MXPX it makes me so happy to listen to them because it brings back a ton of memories of Soph and I going to concerts with her dad.

-Someone you can't imagine your life without-

I can't imagine what life would be like if he hadn't suffered for all of us. I am so thankful for him and am glad I have him in my life.

- Something you want to do before you die-

I have always wanted to travel Route 66. I am not sure why, probably because I like road trips, but it has always been something I want to do. Even if it is not much of anything I want to do it SO bad!

Saturday, March 12, 2011


A picture of something you hate...


YUCK! I really hate all beans (besides green beans) but these ones are probably the most gross looking. They look like vomit...and they make want to vomit...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 10

--A picture of something you want to do this year--

This one is lame but I would LOVE to loose some weight this year. It is so hard to get started and I think I have been trying to get started for the past month!! AHH!! Frustration...

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Day 9- A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most. I should be doing my mom because she has gotten me through the most. But I thought I would switch it up.

My sisters would be a very very close second. They are the BEST! We have our fighting sister moments but they never usually last long. We didn't always get along like we do know. When I was younger (and into my teens) I was very sensitive, so whenever they made joke involving me or looked at me funny I would freak and cry. Tacy and Katy stuck together for the most part and Nathan and I stuck together, so at some moments it was like us against them. Tacy and I had THE HARDEST time getting along for some reason. But we didn't really get along until I moved to Utah I think. Right after I graduated high school I moved out to live with her in Rexburg for a few months, and the first month was a disaster. I would get mad at the stupidest things and so we would just fight. But we eventually got along and now we be in the same room without fighting.

Anyway, they are both great. I can't imagine not having sisters, or not having a relationship with them. I can talk to them about ANYTHING! I love them both very very much!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sechs, Sieben, Acht

Days 6, 7, 8. OOPS! Where did those 3 days go! I will be better at this I promise

Day 6-
A person you would love to trade places with for a day.

I chose Jared Padalecki because if I were to trade places with him for a day I would get to hang out with....

Jensen Ackles

Day 7-
You're most treasured Item- This one is really really hard. I guess I would have to say, my rooster collection. I'm not sure how it started but it did. Our kitchen in our apartment is full of roosters. I LOVE IT!

Day 8-
A picture that always makes you laugh.

These girls are going to kill me but I can't help it.... This was from a few summers ago, and right before Sage got married. But these three girls decided to go skinny dipping the the Mississippi, I opted out of that because I know how gross that water is. Anyway. They wanted me to stand by for the lookout, and right when they got in the water the security truck drove by. They all freaked out but luckily he just kept on driving.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

If only it was that easy...

I'm reading this book called Matched. In the book the people at age 17 go to a matching banquet where they are matched with the person they will marry. They have 5 years to get to know this person and then when they turn 21 they get married.

I don't wish to find the one I will marry at age 17 but it would be nice to be shown who it is.

Day Fünf!

--Picture of my favorite memory--

It was when I moved to Utah. It was my first "grown up" thing to do probably. But when I moved I was scared, of course, but it turned out to be probably the best thing that has happened to me. I think I grew up a lot when I moved.

Because we live in the mid-west, my siblings have not had a lot of opportunities to get to know our cousins or grandparents. But when I moved I lived within 1 hour of all of my family. I lived with my moms sister most of my time out there which gave me the chance to spend time with my cousins that I didn't know very well. I also cooked for my grandparents twice a week so I got a lot of time to know them. Since it was my first time being away from home for that long of time, I missed Thanksgiving, and Halloween. I was really sad to be missing those holidays but because I lived so close to family I had somewhere to go for any special event that was going on so I never felt alone. It was great!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Number four!

A picture from your favorite night of the year.

The night of the PUMPKIN WALK! I love that night! Its a fantastic tradition that I could not live without.

Friday, March 4, 2011


A picture of the cast of your favorite TV show! This is hard, seeing as how I like almost all the TV shows I watch. But the show that I could watch over and over again and never get sick of is Veronica Mars.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Number Zwei

A picture of you and someone your close to.


To start her actual middle name is Caroline, but her mom wanted it to be Sebenial (sp?) so I sometimes call her that. Sophie is a FANTASTIC friend. We first met in sixth grade but we were not friends then. She actually admitted later in our friendship that she thought I was weird when we first met. But alas we have gotten past that and have been good friends ever since probably 7th maybe 8th grade. We have had our friendship up and downs as most people do but nothing has kept us apart. I remember sitting in young women's with Sophaline (one of the many many nicknames she lets me call her) and our leaders were telling the class that the friends we have now will not be our friends once we get into high school and older. When they said that Soph and I told each other that that would never be us. I don't think we will ever not be friends, she is great and I d0n't think I could ever ask for a better friend.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Following in her footsteps...

Well Katy is doing this, and I have had nothing better to blog about so I guess I better do something, and this sounded kind of fun. So here it goes...

Day 1- A picture of you with 10 facts!

1- I LOVE my job
2-Boogers really make me gag
3-I have no idea what I want to be when I "grow up"
4- I like animals more then they like me....if you don't believe me read this.
5- I have always wanted a big black truck!
6- We hair stuck in the show drain makes me want to VOMIT!
7- I kissed a boy on the bus when I was in 8th grade.
8- I love the movie "The Outsiders"
9- I miss Sister Sophie Caroline Smith
10- Quentin Tarantino really really creeps me out!